Career advice

Career Development

Impostor syndrome at work and what you can do about it

Impostor Syndrome at work. What is it? Do you suffer from it? And, if so, what can you do about it?

How to build your personal brand

Your public image and online presence can make a big difference in your career growth. Here's how to build your personal brand. 

The advantages (and disadvantages) of job hopping for your career

There are advantages and disadvantages to changing jobs, so you need to make your moves strategically. Here is how you can use job hopping to advance your career.

Seven tips for a smooth career change

So, you’re considering making a transition. Follow these seven tips for a smooth career change and get going in the right direction.

Beating the unconscious gender bias impacting women’s career growth

Research findings suggest that gender parity has suffered recent setbacks. What can we do about unconscious gender bias impacting women’s career growth?

How to negotiate your job offer for a remote position

Don't leave money on the table. Here are three strategies you can use to give yourself an advantage when negotiating an offer for a remote job.

Six upskilling strategies

Switching careers, starting a businesses, or just looking for ways to advance you career? Upskilling is an important part of this process.

How to grow your career during the COVID-19 crisis

2022 will be a job seeker's market. With an increased demand for workers and more vacancies available, those planning to make a shift will have options.

How to write a resume for a higher-paying job

The key to doing that, is to convince recruiters from rival firms that you could be a valuable asset to their team and that they should pay you more money.

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