Career advice

Remote work

How to negotiate your job offer for a remote position

Don't leave money on the table. Here are three strategies you can use to give yourself an advantage when negotiating an offer for a remote job.

Some tax implications to keep in mind for people working remotely in Canada

Working remotely in Canada can have an impact on how you pay your taxes. Here are several working situations to keep in mind when you file your tax return.

The boundaries you must set with your employer while working remotely

Working from home can greatly increase your work/life balance, but it could also greatly erode it. That's why you need clear boundaries with your employer

How to identify companies that value diversity and inclusion

If a commitment to diversity is something you value in a company, here's how to identify companies that value diversity and inclusion.

How to recognize a toxic hybrid workplace – before you sign the contract 

If you can spot the signs of a toxic working environment before signing a contract, don't take the job. Here are some red flags to watch for.

The future of the Canadian workplace – five trends to watch in 2022

It looks like 2022 is starting out in a period of uncertainty, much like last year did. However, some patterns can be predicted right from the outset. Here's a look at five trends that are most likely to impact your work this year.

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