Senior Financial Analyst, Corporate Reporting

Old Toronto, ON, Canada
40 $-45 $ / heure (estimé)
Temps plein
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Senior Financial Analyst, Corporate Reporting

Apply locations 22 St Clair Ave E, Toronto, ON time type Full time posted on Posted 3 Days Ago job requisition id R2000468111

Location :

22 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto, Ontario, M4T 2S5

Se n i or Financial Analyst, Corporate Reporting

Choi c e P r opert i es is a lead i ng R e a l Es t a t e I n v e s tment Tru s t t hat c r eates en d uring v alue a n d p l ac e s where peo p le th r i v e .

W e b ring t h is to li f e by i m p r o v ing h ow o ur ten a nts a nd com m u n ities c o m e t o g e t h e r t o li v e , w o r k , and con n e ct.

T h i s i n c l u d e s o ur i n d u stry l e a d e r s hip in ad v an c ing s ocial, e c onomic, a nd e n viro n m ent a l s u s t a ina b i l it y .

In e v er y th i ng w e d o, we a r e gu i ded b y a s h a red s e t o f va l u e s o f C are, O w ner s h i p, R e s pe c t a nd E x c e llen c e .

Corp o rate Accou n ting is i n t e g r a l to t h e o v erall e ff ic a cy of t h e a ccoun t ing team, r e s p o n s ible f o r con s o l i d ated r e v i e w and a n al y s i s , c ommuni c ating f in a n c i a l re s ults in t e rn a lly and e x t ern a lly in c ludi n g to the p arent c omp a n y , com m u nicating, a n d mon i t o r i ng a dheren c e to comp a ny p olic i e s , a mong o t her ac t i v itie s .

The go a l o f the C orp o ra t e Accou n t ing team is to s e r v e as a key p a rtner t o t he b u s ine s s a nd s et t h e t o ne of b e s t p r a ctic e s a cro s s the c omp a n y .

R esp o ns i b ili t i e s :

Upd a te q u arterly a n d a n n u a l man a g e m ent di s cu ss ion & a n a l ys is a n d I FRS fin a n c ial s t a t em e nt s , in a timely and e ff ic i ent m a nner, w h i le m ain t aining d a ta i ntegrity

A ss ist i n prep a rati o n of s upple m e n t a l r e p orting p a c k a g e , b oard materials and a cc o mp a n y ing pre s ent a t i o ns

A ss ist with e x tern a l a ud i t p r o c e s s by p ro v i ding s u p p o rting i n f o r m a t io n , a s r e q u ir e d

Co - or d inate a n a l ys is gat h e ring a c ro s s a c count i ng g rou p s , e n su r ing u s e of l a t e s t v e r s io n s and u p date a c ro s s r e p orts

Mon i toring s tat u s of r e p o rt s e ction completion, en s u r ing s tri c t a d h e ren c e to dea d l ines

Per f o r m ing v aria n ce a nal ys is f or s e lect fin a n c ial s t a t e m e nt line items a gain s t p rior y ear, p r ior qu a rter, b u dg e t, foreca s t, et c .

Prep a re a d h oc repo r t s a nd a nal ys is a s req u ir e d by man a g e m e n t

Prep a re leg a l en t i t y fin a n c i a l s tatem e n t s to be u s e d f o r the p r e p a rati o n of t a x ret u rns

Dri v e c ont i nu o us impr o v e me n t wit h in a r e as o f re s po n sib i li t y , in c ludi n g sh a ring ide a s a nd b e s t p ractic e s w ith te a m m e m b e r s , with the p urp o s e of fin d ing e ff ic i en c i e s

E n s ure intern a l c ont r ols w ithin a r e as o f re s po n sib i l ity a re m a i n t a ined a t a ll t i mes

Sup p ort t e am w ith dep a rtm e nt a l a nd co m p an y - wide in i t i a ti v e s

Qu a li f i c a t i o ns :

R e c ognized pro f e ss ion a l a c coun t ing de s ign a tion (C P A, C A p r ef e r red)

Work i ng k n o w led g e o f IFRS f i n a n c i a l report i ng a nd m in i m um 3- y e a r e x per i en c e w ith T SX li s ted c ompa n i es

Profici e n c y w ith Micro s o f t S u i te a p p l i c atio n s ( E x c e l, P o w er P oint, W ord)

Profici e n c y w ith Fina n c i a l sy s te ms (JD E , B I t o ol s , Sp r e a d sh ee t S er v er, W orki va , etc.) is an as set

R e a l E s t a te in d u s try experien c e (p r e fe r r e d)

Stro n g a nal y ti c al, c ritical t h inki n g, a n d p r oblem - s ol v ing s k i l ls w ith high l e v e l o f a t ten t i o n to det a il a nd a c cura c y

Ability to c o m mu n icate high l e v el i ss ues in a clear a nd con c i s e m a nner, b o t h v e rb a lly and written

Ability to work i n dependen t ly a nd as a n i n t egral p art o f a t e am, with m i n i m a l s uper v i s ion

Pro a c t i v e, s el f - m ot iv ated, a nd f l e x ible w hile w o r k i n g in a f as t -p a c e d e n viro n m ent

Ability to work we ll w ith ot h e r s , d e v elop c oo p e r a t i v e w o r k i n g relat i on s h i p s , and d ir e c t o t h e rs in a team e n viro n m ent

Choice Properties REIT recognizes Canada's diversity as a source of national pride and strength. We have made it a priority to reflect our nation’s evolving diversity in the people we hire, and the culture we create in our organization.

Accommodation is available upon request for applicants and employees with disabilities.

In addition, we believe that compliance with laws is about doing the right thing. Upholding the law is part of our Code of Conduct it reinforces what our customers and stakeholders expect of us.

Number of Openings :

Please Note : If you have Employee Self Service (ESS) on Workday, apply to this job via the Workday application.

Choice Properties REIT is Canada’s leading diversified Real Estate Investment Trust. Led by an experienced management team, we are growing our retail portfolio of properties with necessity based grocery and pharmacy anchored retail real estate.

The balance of the portfolio is comprised of high-quality industrial and office assets located in Canada’s largest markets.

As a key business driver, the depth of our development pipeline creates immense value by capitalizing on a strong retail intensification program, combined with prime residential-focused mixed-use communities.

Choice Properties is a unique Real Estate organization; we operate as a highly successful innovative environment where employees are encouraged to demonstrate their highly evolved ability to achieve success in a resilient team-like environment.

A commitment to continuous learning and development is a strong part of our culture.


Il y a 2 jours
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