Enforcement of Federal, Provincial, and municipal laws, statutes, and by-laws
Criminal and collision investigations
Emergency response to incidents and calls for service
Protection of railway assets, operations, and personnel
Work with other Law Enforcement Agencies during investigations and in joint enforcement operations
Maintain good working knowledge of relevant legislation, policies, and procedures
Effectively and efficiently plan, manage, and prioritize workload and conduct general and directed patrols
Be prepared to travel on assignments, in response to incidents and for training within the Province of QC
Be prepared for ‘On-Call’ & ‘Callout’ – with both there is compensation
Possess strong communication skills
Provide assistance to victims of crime
Prepare comprehensive reports and prosecution files and deliver court testimony
Manage and escort prisoners
Ability to work shiftwork, weekends & statutory holidays
Must be a Canadian citizen
Must have a High School diploma or GED
Post-Secondary education would be an asset
Must be fully bi-lingual with the French and English language
Must have completed & passed full basic police recruit training with a recognized police service in Canada
Must be a First-class police constable and be in good standing with a recognized Canadian federal, provincial, municipal or First Nations police service. Retired and recent law enforcement experience will be considered as long as it was within the last 24 months You must also have experience and the authority to enforce the Criminal Code of Canada
Knowledge of the Canadian Criminal Justice System
Knowledge of enforcement under Provincial Statues
Community involvement would be an asset
Basic computer skills are required
Must be able to successfully complete and pass a fitness test (PARE, POPAT or PREP)
Must possess a valid driver’s license for the province in which they are employed
Must be qualified in First Aid, CPR and AED
Must be able to meet CPKC Police Firearms and Use of Force Standards
Must not have any McNeil decisions on personnel file
Must be able to complete and pass a psychological evaluation
Must be able to complete and pass a polygraph exam