Job Summary
Welcome to the Destination Porter Program. We invite Pilots with the minimum flight time requirement (listed below) to join our growing recruitment pool. Porter understands it’s a difficult path to navigate your career in aviation. Pilots selected by Porter Airlines for participation in Destination Porter will be paired with a Porter Airlines pilot who will act as a mentor to help provide guidance in their career development. Once a candidate from the Destination Porter program has accumulated a minimum of 500-750 hours, they will have the option to interview at Porter Airlines for a First Officer position. If the candidate is successful with the interview and simulator evaluation they will be offered a conditional offer of employment upon completion of the IATRA / ATPL exams. To be a part of this program we ask that you complete the application form. Once that has been completed we will reach out to you on a quarterly basis. At this time we will invite you to update your profile and celebrate because “you are on your way!” Pilots may
Destination Porter 2025 • Toronto, Canada