If you are committed to public service, enjoy collaborating with others, share our valuesand have a desire to learn and grow, join The City of Calgary. City employees deliver the services, run the programs and operate the facilities which make a difference in our community. The City offers unique, diverse jobs and a variety of work locations. Together we make Calgary a great place to make a living, a great place to make a life.The City is committed to fostering a respectful, inclusive and equitable workplace which is representative of the community we serve. We welcome those who have demonstrated a commitment to upholding the values of equity, diversity, inclusion, anti-racism and reconciliation. Applications are encouraged from members of groups that are historically disadvantaged and underrepresented. Accommodations are available during the hiring process, upon request.
Experienced fitness instructors teach a variety of fitness programs. As a fitness instructor, you will be responsible for planning and leading registered and / or drop-in fitness programs. Primary duties include :
- Teachspecificskillstoparticipantsthroughprogressivephysicalfitnessdevelopmentandsharing of knowledge.
- Planandimplementqualityfitnessprograms.
- Assessparticipantneedsandprovideadaptations asnecessary.
- Ensuresafetyofparticipants.
- Prepareand maintainequipment,suppliesandprogramspace.
- Maintainprogramrecordsandassistwithprogramevaluation.
- Maintain ahighdegreeofcustomerservice.
Minimum18 yearsofage.Current Fitness Instructor Certification from Fitness Alberta (or equivalent "group exercise" certification , YMCA, CanFitPro, etc.).Specialtyareasinclude : Adapted Fitness,Dance-basedfitness,HulaHoop, Group, OlderAdults,StrengthTraining,AquaticExercise,Cycling,Pre &PostNatal,andZumba. Musthave certification and / or training and experience specific to respective specialty.Level 2 Fitness Instructors must have at least 3 years of leadership and instructional experience.Previous experience in fitness instruction is considered an asset.Demonstrated ability in assessing participant needs and determining adaptations as necessary.Strong communication skills along with demonstrated initiative, planning, and organizational skills.Sound judgement in safety standards and well-developed customer service skills.