My husband and I will be traveling from Los Angeles to Vancouver for a business trip and will need a sitter from 8am-2pm Tues / Weds and potentially Thur. My husband and I are super active and love to travel. Im a personal trainer while my husband runs marketing for a tech start-up. Since having our daughter we've taken her to 4 countries other than the US. When were not traveling or working we love taking our daughter and our two rescue pups on hikes or to the beach.Our daughter, Maren, is almost 2yrs old, she's starting to get a real grasp of words and she is super active! She spends most fo her day playing outside at her daycare and when she's home with us she's constantly exploring the house and our backyard. She eats well, sleeps well, and loves her night and morning routines.
For Babysitter Nanny • Vancouver, CA