As one of the fastest growing cities in Canada, City of Surrey is a globally recognized leader in building vibrant, sustainable communities through technology and innovation. City of Surrey employees are talented innovators, inspired by meaningful work and the opportunity to drive our city-and their careers-forward. Build a City. Build a Future at the City of Surrey.
Employment Status
Union - CUPE Local 402 - Regular Full-Time
Under supervision from senior staff, the Energy Facility Operator is responsible for performing daily responsibilities related to the operations of the City's District Energy Centre(s), hot water distribution pipe network, temporary energy centres, and energy transfer stations in customer buildings. The City currently operates natural gas-fired energy centres to heat the growing district energy network. In the future, this will include operation of low-carbon energy centres which could include waste heat recovery centres using heat pumps or biomass energy centres using boilers fueled by wood waste.
Other Information
Number of Job Openings : 1
Pay Grade : 22
Pay Steps Hourly rate Step 1 $38.98 Step 2 (6 months) $40.60 Step 3 (18 months) $42.19 Step 4 (30 months) $43.77
Learn more about the City of Surrey's Recruitment Process and tips on how to prepare for the interview on CityNet or by clicking here !
Conditions of Employment
Successful applicants must provide proof of qualifications.
Closing Date
This job will be posted until February 13, 2025.
Our Values
Integrity - Service - Teamwork - Innovation - Community