Expression of Interest EST-AUTISM Competition # 24-142Miramichi-Rexton Area SchoolsDescription : EST-A contributes to the education of students with diverse needs in inclusive schools and classrooms by : Providing support for students with complex needs (direct or team-based) in response to district requests which may include : Assessment Data analysis Support development of Personalized Learning Plans including behaviour support plans Identifying appropriate curriculum materials Related in-service training Supporting the implementation of the Provincial Autism Strategy by : Providing support to optimize student transitions at school entry or between grades and schools Maintaining written documentation of school consults, student observations and recommendations Ensuring that interventions with documented empirical effectiveness for children with autism are prioritized and form the basis of educational services Guiding staff in the use of efficient, accurate and non-intrusive data collection to enable decision-making. Promoting the principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) Supporting development and implementation of ABA programming for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Remaining current with respect to research and evidence-informed practices Qualifications Preferred Level I & II Autism Training (minimum Level I) Preferred Master of Education in Exceptionalities All applications are accepted through Apply To Education
Expression Interest • New Brunswick, Canada