The NLS team utilizes its international base in Hong Kong and its extensive connections to connect top talent with top careers. Whether you are a candidate looking to take your career to the next level, or a client searching for the best and brightest professionals, our personalized and hands-on approach guides all our partners on a path to success.
Our Client is the digital arm of a large insurance firm. Currently developing from scratch a Conversational AI application. We are looking for experienced Fullstack Application Engineers to join our initiatives and work on the next generation technologies.
Requirements :
This is a Hong Kong based opportunity that is also open to remote candidates residing in similar timezones. A great opportunity if you want exposure to AI technologies working on projects from scratch!
This is a project based engagement with monthly base salary range of HKD 50,000 – 70,000.
6 – 12 months contract is offered with opportunities to extend based on performance.