Jennalyn looking for a babysitter or nanny in West Kelowna

Jennalyn looking for a babysitter or nanny in West Kelowna

SitlyWest Kelowna, CA
24 days ago
Job type
  • Part-time
Job description

We are looking for occasional and ongoing care for our infant daughter at our home in Glenrosa, West Kelowna. Elera (Ellie) was born December 2024 and is a dream baby we don't know what we did to get so lucky to have a baby that sleeps well and is easy to soothe! We are moreso looking for a sitter once we go back to work (May 2025) for irregular sits (maybe 1 day a week, mornings afternoons or evenings depending on our schedule). Both myself (Jenna) and my husband (Mark) get our schedules well in advance are hope to arrange dates with our sitter weeks in advance! (No last minute calls!) Mark is a paramedic and works a rotating schedule of days and nights. Jenna is a therapist intern and is working 2-3 days a week starting in May. We are easygoing, outdoorsy, and kind and hope we can find an ongoing sitter that fits well with us. We also have a big, goofy dog (Orion) that loves all people. The sitter would not be responsible for Orion's care, although you're welcome to cuddle him : )