My family is going through an extremely difficult time. I am losing my very loved husband of 42 years and my daughters (age three and five) are losing their dad to stage 4 brain cancer. I have hired a nanny / caregiver that works full time with our two girls at home and would also take care of my husband. However, my husbands needs have increased to needing full time assistance. He is currently in the hospital getting cared for and I would like to bring him home as soon as I have a caregiver in place. He is a large man who can physically get up, eat and go to the bathroom on his own but without the constant reminding that he should do these things he will not. I need a full time caregiver to help my husband function at home as well as help keep him clean and comfortable. The other main duty of this caregiver will be to keep our home organized, clean and under control. It would be wonderful to have someone make the evening meals as well as do the laundry. If you are a hard working, caring and compationate person that would like to help our little family through this very difficult time please call my cell and we can make an appointment to meet.Thank youJamille 306-361-...My husband is terminally ill with a stage 4 GBM brain tumour. I want him to be at home with his family until the end. He needs 24 assistance with getting dressed, showered, eating etc and he has incontinanace as well.Please visit https : / / / jobs / full-time-caregiver-for-a-terminally-ill-husband-and-father-elder-care-job-saskatoon-sk to view full details and to apply. Lots of jobs to choose from!
Care Provider • Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada