Appointment Details
Course Information
Course Semester / Term Hours / Section Estimated Number of Students
CPS506 Winter2025 3Hours 180- 225 Students
Comparative Programming Languages
A survey of major programming paradigms, with emphasis on the functional paradigm. Discussion of data typing, program decomposition, scoping rules, control structures parameter passing. Programming languages will likely include commercially important functional languages such as Haskell, Clojure and Erlang, with examples of others as time permits.
Tentative Schedule :
Section 1 - Tuesday's from 12 : 00pm-2 : 00pm and Wednesday's from 2 : 00pm-3 : 00pm
Section 2 - Thursday's from 10 : 00am-12 : 00pm and Tuesday's from 12 : 00pm-1 : 00pm
a) A part-time hourly appointment / one semester is for less than 9 hours in any one semester.
PLEASE NOTE : Pursuant to the University's and as a condition of employment, all successful candidates will be required to either submit valid proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or receive a . Course delivery in Winter 2023 will be online, in-person or hybrid at the sole discretion of the hiring unit. Candidates hired for in-person courses will be required to carry out their teaching on campus. Candidates teaching remotely are required to have access to the appropriate technology, i.e. computer with camera and microphone and high-speed internet.
Evidence may be requested for all categories.
PhD. or equivalent in field related to target course
PhD (or equivalent)
Master degree.
Teaching Experience
Teaching target or similar course at TMU graduate program.
Teaching target or similar course at other university graduate program.
Teaching target or similar course at TMU undergraduate program or another university undergraduate program.
Practice field experience
Current (past 3 years) practice in related field 6-10 (depends on quality of experience, including relevance to course, level of responsibility, relevant professional accreditation, etc.)
Past (more than 3) years ago) practice in related field.
Academic publications (refereed) in past 5 years.
Academic publications more than 5 years ago or current (less than 5 years) professional profile (including professional or academic presentations).
Other demonstrated professional currency (practitioner writing, courses taken).
Interactive Skills
The following will be rated based on previous teaching ratings / evaluations :
Lecture presentation
Email Interaction
Follow through with assignments