Problèmes de grammaire. Étude des effets stylistiques. Composition et conversation avancées. Analyse de textes choisis. / Problems of grammar. Study of stylistic effects. Advanced composition and conversation. Analysis of selected texts.
Posting limited to : Date Posted :
mai 07, 2024
Closing Date : juin 07, 2024
Note : Applications will be accepted until 11 : 59 PM on the day prior to the Posting End Date above
Expected Enrolment : Approval date :
mai 07, 2024
Number of credits : Work Hours :
Course type :
Posting type :
Language of instruction :
Competence in second language :
Course Schedule :
Requirements :
Compétence et expérience dans l'enseignement de l'espagnol ELE : grammaire C1 / C2, culture et littérature des pays hispanophones, rédaction, didactique ELE. Expertise sur Blackboard + autres technologies de la communication. Gestion de classe et tâches administratives. Prédisposition à travailler en équipe. Posséder un Maîtrise en espagnol et être inscrit à temps complet au Doctorat. Natif de l'espagnol ou avoir une compétence Presque native (C1). Bilingue (français et Anglais).
Professional ability and experience for teaching Spanish ELE : C1 / C2 grammar, culture and literature of Hispanic countries, composition and didactics of ELE. Knowledge of Blackboard + other communication technologies. Class management and administrative tasks. Ability to work in teams. Holder of and MA in Spanish and registered full-time in the Doctorate Program. Native or near-native speaker (C1). Bilingual (French and English).
Additional Information and / or Comments :
An acceptable level of education and / or experience could be viewed as being equivalent to the educational required and / or demonstrated experience.