Chauffeur de Camion / Truck Driver

Chauffeur de Camion / Truck Driver

Domfoam Inc.Saint-Léonard, Québec, Canada
30+ days ago
Job type
  • Full-time
  • Quick Apply
Job description

Domfoam is looking for a Truck driver to join our Montreal team. The driver would be responsible for driving the truck, loading / unloading goods and delivering the goods to the designated client.

Fonctions et responsabilités :

  • Inspecter les systèmes, les équipements et les accessoires du camion, tels que les pneus, les feux et les clignotants, les freins et les compartiments réfrigérés, avant, pendant et après le voyage;
  • Veiller à ce que les cargaisons (produits) soient correctement emballées et sécurisées conformément aux règles de sécurité, et respecter les procédures de sécurité lors du transport des cargaisons;
  • Notez les informations relatives à la cargaison, les heures de fonctionnement, la distance parcourue et la consommation de carburant;
  • Tenir le journal de bord électroniquement ou manuellement;
  • Servir de messager entre l'entreprise et le client qui reçoit la cargaison.
  • Fournir les documents importants aux destinations requises
  • S'assurer que toutes les livraisons ont été signées et remises au bon propriétaire.
  • Maintenir le camion propre et en ordre à tout moment.
  • Effectuer des tâches de chargement et de déchargement selon les besoins.

Exigences :

  • Permis de conduire de classe A.
  • 2 à 3 ans d'expérience.
  • Bilingue (français et anglais).
  • Camion : Remorque de 53 pieds




    About the Job

    Domfoam is looking for a Truck driver to join our Montreal team. The driver would be responsible for driving the truck, loading / unloading goods and delivering the goods to the designated client.

    Duties and Responsibilities :

  • Inspect the truck systems, equipment and accessories such as tires, lights and flashers, brakes and refrigerated compartments before, during and after the trip;
  • Ensure that the cargoes (product) is properly packed and secured according to safety rules, and follow safety procedures when transporting the cargoes;
  • Write down cargoes information, the hours of operation, the distance traveled and fuel consumption;
  • Maintain the log book electronically or manually;
  • Act as a messenger between the company and the client receiving the cargo.
  • Provide important documents to the required destinations
  • Make sure all the deliveries were signed for, and delivered to the right owner
  • Keep the truck clean and in order at all times.
  • Perform loading and unloading tasks as needed.
  • Required :

  • Class A driver's license.
  • 2-3 years experience.
  • Bilingual (French and English).
  • Truck :

  • 53 foot trailer
  • Route

  • Montreal-USA
  • About Domfoam Inc. :

    Domfoam Inc. (originally known as Dominion Foam Corp.) was founded in 1963 by a young entrepreneur, Saul Pomerantz. From its humble beginnings operating from a small garage, we have evolved into a major player in the Canadian flexible-foam industry.In 1991, the company was sold to a group of outside investors. Its assets were re-purchased by the Pomerantz family in 2012, which is committed to maintaining the long-term success of the company.We currently manufacture and fabricate a full line of polyurethane foam products primarily for use in the furniture and bedding industries. We also produce re-bonded foam for carpet underlay and other applications.