Manage the operation and maintenance of the Upgrader, Tritium Removal Facility (TRF) and all assigned equipment within the Heavy Water Management Building.
Provide detritiation services to other sites. Receive heavy water for detritiation and ship detritiated heavy water.
Ensure subordinates perform all operating and maintenance activities in a conservative fashion with due regard for nuclear, radiological and industrial safety.
Perform operating and maintenance activities as required by schedules issued through the work control process.
Ensure that the work control program is informed in sufficient time for an adjustment to be made to work schedules if unable to perform operations or maintenance as scheduled.
Ensure subordinates perform all operations and maintenance activities in accordance with corporate standards and in accordance with site procedures.
Ensure subordinates performing operating and maintenance activities are trained and qualified to perform them.
Operate and maintain assigned TRF / HW systems safely.
Acquire the tools and equipment necessary to support the operation and maintenance of TRF / HW systems.
Prepare, maintain and issue operating and maintenance procedures for assigned systems.
Develop and implement operating and maintenance methods, practices and procedures within specifications provided by the TRF / HW Technical section as required for the safe and efficient operation of TRF / HW systems.
Maintain TRF / HW systems and equipment in a designed configuration.
Respond to upsets and equipment failures to restore TRF / HW systems to a designed configuration as quickly as possible.
Remove systems and equipment from service and place them in a safe state for maintenance.
Perform corrective maintenance to restore TRF / HW systems and equipment to the as-designed configuration.
Safety restore systems and equipment to service after maintenance.
Analyze corrective and preventive maintenance results and optimize the preventive maintenance program.
Requires a knowledge of control, mechanical or civil technology sufficient to understand the assembly, function, operation and mechanics of applicable equipment, systems and materials. Requires a knowledge of mathematics to perform practical calculations and precision measurements. Requires a knowledge of English, both written and oral, to document maintenance procedures, experiences, and practices in a clear, concise manner, prepare reports, and to facilitate effective communications with others. This knowledge is considered to be normally acquired through the completion of Grade XII plus 3 years’ further concentrated study.
Requires on-the-job experience, such as might be gained in a multi-unit nuclear facility, associated with the installation, operation and maintenance of same to become thoroughly familiar with assembly processes, testing and trouble-shooting procedures and maintenance, modification and repair techniques.
Requires experience with the execution of predictive, preventive and corrective maintenance programs to acquire specialist knowledge of plant conditions as a basis for the maintenance function performance.
Requires experience to efficiently handle unplanned trouble-shooting activities associated with hands on work performed by maintenance personnel, and outages.
Requires experience to understand, apply, and utilize Operating Policies and Procedures, station reference plans, radiological and conventional safety procedures, regulations, legislation, work protection and Quality Assurance (QA) standards, communications tools, etc, as needed to effectively perform work function.
Requires sound practical experience of planning and work management skills to be familiar with the accountabilities of a project leader.
Requires experience with contract administration to influence and coordinate the work of mixed services personnel, contractors and vendors through the phases of planning, organizing, scheduling and execution of maintenance work, and to motivate same to integrate their efforts and attain optimal work performance.