Responsibilities : and nbsp;
Design, implement, and continuously expand data pipelines by performing extraction, transformation, and loading activities. and nbsp;
Required to translate technical systems specifications into working, tested applications. This includes developing detailed programming specifications, writing and / or generating code, compiling data-driven programs, maintaining, and conducting unit tests. and nbsp;
Resolves and troubleshoots technical problems which arise during the use and operation of software packages, including technical assistance in implementation, conversion and migrations. and nbsp;
General Skills : and nbsp;
Experience in programming and analysis; specialized software package support at the specified experience level and nbsp;
Ability to collaborate with IT Professionals throughout the Software Development Life Cycle and nbsp;
Experience in structured methodologies for the development, design, implementation and maintenance of applications and nbsp;
Experience in design, code, test, debug and document applications and nbsp;
Experience in the use of object and / or third generation language development tools and nbsp;
Experience in one or more programming languages Experience in application design, latest design patters, deployment and troubleshooting and nbsp;
Experience with relational and hierarchical database technologies and nbsp;
Experience in the use of information retrieval packages using query languages and nbsp;
Experience with one or more communications protocols and nbsp;
Experience in structured methodologies for the design, development, implementation and maintenance of applications and nbsp;
Experience eliciting and documenting information from diverse business area stakeholders and subject matter experts and nbsp;
Excellent analytical, problem-solving and decision-making skills; verbal and written communication skills; interpersonal and negotiation skills and nbsp;
A team player with a track record for meeting deadlines and nbsp;
Full Stack Skills :
Proficient with both front end and back end development, including any associated areas such as database design / management and DevOps and nbsp;
Knowledge and experience with design and implementation of the overall web architecture and nbsp;
Experience with implementation of approved user interface, design and deployment of database and nbsp;
Knowledge and experience ensuring the entire stack is designed and built for speed and scalability and nbsp;
Knowledge and experience with the design and construction of REST API services and nbsp;
Knowledge and experience integrating front-end UI with the constructed API and nbsp;
Knowledge and experience in design and implementation of continuous integration and deployment and nbsp;
Desirable Skills : and nbsp;
Knowledge and experience with programming Internet-ready applications and nbsp;
Knowledge and experience in rapid application development (RAD) methodologies and nbsp;
Knowledge and understanding of Information Management principles, concepts, policies and practices and nbsp;
Experience with middleware and gateways Experience reviewing, analyzing, and modifying product installation scripts including encoding, testing, debugging and nbsp;
Ability to provide post-implementation support and resolve any post-implementation technical issues and nbsp;
Experience conducting design walkthrough sessions with project team and nbsp;
Knowledge and understanding of Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act (AODA) and related regulations and standards and nbsp;
Ability to provide user and system documentation as required
Experience and Skill Set Requirements
Price : 30%
Experience (30%)
- Experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;programming and nbsp;and and nbsp;analysis; and nbsp;specialized and nbsp;software and nbsp;package and nbsp;support and nbsp;at and nbsp;the and nbsp;specified and nbsp;experience and nbsp;level
- Ability and nbsp;to and nbsp;collaborate and nbsp;with and nbsp;IT and nbsp;Professionals and nbsp;throughout and nbsp;the and nbsp;Software and nbsp;Development and nbsp;Life and nbsp;Cycle
- Experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;structured and nbsp;methodologies and nbsp;such and nbsp;as and nbsp;Agile and nbsp;Scrum and nbsp;for and nbsp;the and nbsp;development, and nbsp;design, and nbsp;implementation, and nbsp;and and nbsp;maintenance and nbsp;of and nbsp;applications
- At least 5 years of Java Open JDK 8 and 11
- At least 3 years of Spring Boot 2 or 3
- At least 3 years of SOAP Web Service
- At least 3 years of REST Service
- At least 3 years of Git, DevOps, CI / CD
- At least 3 years of Docker and Kubernetes
- At least 3 years of OAuth2
- At least 3 years of Java Data JPA and Hibernate
- At least 5 years of Oracle and 3 years of SQL Server databases
- At least 5 years of Junit 4 or 5
- At least 3 years of Open API Specification and Swagger
- At least 2 years experience with front end technologies, React and Node.JS.
- Experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;design, and nbsp;code, and nbsp;test, and nbsp;debug and nbsp;and and nbsp;document and nbsp;applications
- Experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;application and nbsp;design, and nbsp;latest and nbsp;design and nbsp;patterns, and nbsp;deployment, and nbsp;and and nbsp;troubleshooting
- Experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;one and nbsp;or and nbsp;more and nbsp;communications and nbsp;protocols
- Experience and nbsp;eliciting and nbsp;and and nbsp;documenting and nbsp;information and nbsp;from and nbsp;diverse and nbsp;business and nbsp;area and nbsp;stakeholders and nbsp;and and nbsp;subject and nbsp;matter and nbsp;experts
- Excellent and nbsp;analytical, and nbsp;problem-solving, and nbsp;and and nbsp;decision-making and nbsp;skills; and nbsp;verbal and nbsp;and and nbsp;written and nbsp;communication and nbsp;skills; and nbsp;interpersonal and nbsp;and and nbsp;negotiation and nbsp;skills
- A and nbsp;team and nbsp;player and nbsp;with and nbsp;a and nbsp;track and nbsp;record and nbsp;for and nbsp;meeting and nbsp;deadlines
Technical and nbsp;Skills (30%)
Required and nbsp;to and nbsp;translate and nbsp;technical and nbsp;systems and nbsp;specifications and nbsp;into and nbsp;working, and nbsp;tested and nbsp;applications.Technical skills and hands on experience to reflect the technologies noted in experience above (Java, Azure, etc)This and nbsp;includes :Developing and nbsp;detailed and nbsp;programming and nbsp;specificationswriting and nbsp;and / or and nbsp;generating and nbsp;codecompiling and nbsp;data-driven and nbsp;programs, and nbsp;maintaining, and nbsp;and and nbsp;conducting and nbsp;unit and nbsp;testsResolves and nbsp;and and nbsp;troubleshoots and nbsp;technical and nbsp;problems and nbsp;which and nbsp;arise and nbsp;during and nbsp;the and nbsp;use and nbsp;and and nbsp;operation and nbsp;of and nbsp;software and nbsp;packages, and nbsp;including and nbsp;technical and nbsp;assistance and nbsp;in and nbsp;implementation, and nbsp;conversion, and nbsp;and and nbsp;deploymentCommunication and nbsp;Skills (10%)
Strong and nbsp;communication and nbsp;skills and nbsp;to and nbsp;prepare and nbsp;documentation, and nbsp;including and nbsp;but and nbsp;not and nbsp;limited and nbsp;to : and nbsp;solution and nbsp;documentation, and nbsp;user and nbsp;manuals, and nbsp;reports, and nbsp;reviews, and nbsp;assessmentsAbility and nbsp;to and nbsp;present and nbsp;ideas and nbsp;and and nbsp;suggestions and nbsp;clearly and nbsp;and and nbsp;effectively and nbsp;and and nbsp;in and nbsp;a and nbsp;user-friendly and nbsp;manner; and nbsp;maintain and nbsp;a and nbsp;high and nbsp;level and nbsp;of and nbsp;customer and nbsp;service and nbsp;to and nbsp;both and nbsp;internal and nbsp;and and nbsp;external and nbsp;clientsAbility and nbsp;to and nbsp;communicate and nbsp;designs and nbsp;and and nbsp;development and nbsp;in and nbsp;clear and nbsp;and and nbsp;understandable and nbsp;mannerMust Haves :
At least 5 years of Java Open JDK 8 and 11At least 3 years of Spring Boot 2 or 3At least 3 years of Java Data JPA and HibernateExperience with AzureKnowledge and experience with the design and construction of REST API services