Home supportworkers caregivers and related occupations provide personal careand companionship for seniors persons with disabilities andconvalescent clients. They provide care in the clients residencewhere they may also reside. They are employed by home care andsupport agencies private households or they may beselfemployed.
Here are some of the main activities and tasks that Nurse aidesorderlies and patient service associates have to perform and someof the physical demands they involve :
Answercall signals; supply and empty bed pans; bathe dress and groompatients; serve meal trays feed or assist in feeding of patientsand assist patients with menu selection; weigh lift turn andposition patients; shave patients prior to operations; supervisepatients exercise routines set up and provide leisure activitiesfor patients accompany patients on outside recreational activitiesand perform other duties related to patient care andcomfort
Take patients blood pressure temperature andpulse; report or record fluid intake and output; observe or monitorpatients status and document patient care on charts; collectspecimens such as urine faeces or sputum; administer suppositoriescolonic irrigations and enemas and perform other procedures asdirected by nursing and hospital staff
Administer inemergency situations first aid to injured or ill individuals withinthe scope of competencies
Transport patients bywheelchair or stretcher for treatment or surgery
Carrymessages reports requisitions and specimens betweendepartments
Make beds and maintain patientsrooms
Maintain inventory of supplies
Mayperform maintenance tasks such as assisting with the setup andmaintenance of traction equipment cleaning or sterilizing equipmentmaintaining and repairing equipment and assembling settingup andoperating jobrelated equipment
May transport patientsbetween care facilities.
Physical demands Help PhysicalDemands
Bending or twisting thebody
Making repetitive motions
Handlingmaterial manually
Walking andrunning
Workplaces and employers
Here are thetypical workplaces where Nurse aides orderlies and patient serviceassociates are employed and some of their maincharacteristics :
Assisted care facilities for theelderly
Health careestablishments
Work environment HelpPhysical Work Environment
Indoors environmentallycontrolled
Biological agents
Sound andnoise
Standard safety equipment
Physicalproximity from others Help Physical proximity fromothers
Physically touching or veryclose
Thisis what you typically need for thejob.
Somesecondary school education and onthejob training or a personalsupport worker nursing aide or health care aide college or privateinstitutional program or a college nursing orderly program andsupervised practical training arerequired.
Completionof specialized courses such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)and first aid is usuallyrequired.
Anappropriate class of drivers licence may be required for medicalattendants.
SourceNational OccupationalClassification
Professionalcertification andlicensing
Ifthis occupation is regulated you may need to get a professionallicense from a regulatory authority before you can start working.Licensing can be compulsory or voluntary depending on theoccupation.
Ifthe licence is compulsory you must be certified before you canpractise the occupation and use the professionaldesignation.
Ifthe licence is voluntary you don t need to be certified to practisethisoccupation.
PersonalAttributes Help PersonalAttributes
Concernfor Others
5 Extremelyimportant
4 Highlyimportant
4 Highlyimportant
Attentionto Detail
4 Highlyimportant
2 Somewhatimportant
This is what you typically need for the job. Nurse practitionersusually require a master's degree in nursing; or completion of anursing program with additional advanced or extended primary healthcare nursing education; and several years of practice as aregistered nurse. Registration with a regulatory body is requiredfor nurse practitioners in all provinces and territories. SourceNational Occupational Classification Professional certification andlicensing Ontario If this occupation is regulated, you may need toget a professional license from a regulatory authority before youcan start working. Licensing can be compulsory or voluntary,depending on the occupation. If the licence is compulsory, you mustbe certified before you can practise the occupation and use theprofessional designation. If the licence is voluntary, you don tneed to be certified to practise this occupation. Find out if thisoccupation is regulated and contact the regulatory authority tolearn about the certification process. SKILLS PROFECIENCY ORCOMPLEXITY LEVEL Social Perceptiveness 5 - Highest LevelCoordinating 4 - High Level Instructing 4 - High Level Monitoring 4- High Level Time Management 4 - High Level Writing 4 - High LevelReading Comprehension 4 - High Level Oral Communication : ActiveListening 4 - High Level Oral Communication : Oral Comprehension 4 -High Level Oral Communication : Oral Expression 4 - High LevelPersonal Attributes Help - Personal Attributes Importance ServiceOrientation 5 - Extremely important Stress Tolerance 5 - Extremelyimportant Concern for Others 5 - Extremely important Collaboration5 - Extremely important Analytical Thinking 5 - Extremely importantAttention to Detail 5 - Extremely important Active Learning 4 -Highly important Social Orientation 4 - Highly importantIndependence 4 - Highly important Leadership 4 - Highly importantKnowledge Help - Knowledge Knowledge level Physical Health 3 -Advanced Level Biology 2 - Intermediate Level Humanities 2 -Intermediate Level Client Service 2 - Intermediate Level Languages2 - Intermediate Level Mathematics 2 - Intermediate Level MentalHealth 2 - Intermediate Level Chemistry 1 - Basic Level BusinessManagement 1 - Basic Level Clerical 1 - Basic Level