STK Steakhouse is the global leader in Vibe Dining. Withenergetic, high-end restaurants and bars in cities like Las Vegas, New York,Miami, London, and many more we take pride in our ability to execute anunforgettable experience for our guests no matter the occasion!
Apply now to join the world of VIBE DINING as a key part of theguest experience!
We are always looking for individuals that are looking to Growand Develop as new opportunities continue to be available in this expandingcompany.
We strive for a premier culture that encompasses teamwork,collaboration, and values. There is a passion in everything we do, and we arelooking for people with similar attributes. Get started on a career path as weare always looking for individuals that are looking to grow and develop as newopportunities continue to be available in this expanding company.
This position comes with an experience based salary starting at $70k
Weare looking for a Restaurant Manager to lead all aspects of our business. Youwill deliver a high-quality menu and motivate our staff to provide excellentcustomer service. Restaurant manager responsibilities include maintaining therestaurant’s revenue, profitability and quality goals. You will ensureefficient restaurant operation, as well as maintain high production,productivity, quality, and customer-service standards. To be successful in thisrole, you’ll need management skills and experience in both front and back ofthe house. We want you to know how to oversee the dining room, check-in withcustomers and balance seating capacity. Back of the house management experienceis essential, as you’ll hire qualified Cooks and Wait Staff, set workschedules, oversee food prep and make sure we comply with health and safetyrestaurant regulations. We’ll expect you to lead by example and uplift ourstaff during busy moments in our fast-paced environment. Ultimately, you willensure our restaurant runs smoothly and customers have pleasant diningexperiences.
Thecompany offer the following Insurance benefits to all full time and variablebenefit eligible employees (waiting period applies)
Restaurant Manager • Toronto, Ontario, Canada