To start the application process, contact Teamworks Career Centre at (403) 382-3770 or [email protected] to book an appointment.
Teamworks Career Centre – Office & Accounting Essentials for Business!
Office and Accounting Essentials for Business is a free 15-week training program consisting of training in technology, administration, and accounting to prepare you for entry to mid-level
office administrative and accounting positions. Along with training and support to help you successfully find and maintain a new career.
Program Highlights
Training & Micro-Credentials
Microsoft Teams, productivity application, OneNote, Problem Solving, LEAN Principles, Google Drives
Essentials in Digital Literacy, including :
Word, Excel, Outlook & PowerPoint
Accounting Theory - Level 1
A Career Coach will work with you to develop your own individual training plan
Includes : resumes, cover letters, interview preparation, networking strategies & tapping into the hidden job market
Applicants must meet these basic eligibility requirements :
What’s Next?
Get in touch! Whether you are looking for more information or are eager to get started, give us a call at 403-382-3770
Teamworks Career Centre has assisted over 35,000 Albertans to find employment and advance their careers. Teamworks fosters the ultimate adult learning environment with comfortable, easily accessible, and friendly surroundings. Backed by a strong community reputation, our certified and experienced adult educators, trainers, and career practitioners offer unbiased, practical advice and exceptional service.
We’re proud to have served Lethbridge and area for the past 30+ years!