HM Note : This hybrid role is three (3) daysinoffice
Theresource will be responsible for thefollowing :
Supportand Maintenance
Provide business application support as a tier 2 / 3 resource forseven productionapplications
Respond to a break / fix notification within one businessday
Restore normalservice operation within three businessdays
Review andimplement change requests to meet clientneeds
PlannedActivities (TangibleDeliverables)
Officeof the Fire Marshal Learning Portal(OFMLP)
Designbuild and implement features to meet new business requirements thatinclude;
Implement.Net solution version to optimize application capacity and improveresponse time
Develop automated processes for preclass notifications andadministrationtasks
Develop andintegrate a centralized file repository for learners to accessclass materials on theweb
Configureonline learning module and interface including etesting featuresgrades and certificates issuance and develop customized instructorinteractions.
Migrate select selfpaced online learningcourses.
Advisebusiness as technical lead for SCORM compliance in rebuilding andmigrating all elearning courses currently delivered via the OFCCERPS platform.
Develop custom fields automated processes user roles and interfaceto integrate accreditation and certification activities to the webincluding data modeling and migration of legacydatabases.
Implement integration with Power BI for custom realtimereporting.
o Designand build custom web features (frontend) in support offeatures.
o Designand build custom administrative modules (backend) in support of andnbsp;features
oUpdate the data model (database) and write custom SQL queries insupport of reports and updated / newfeatures
oIncorporate accessibility requirements (WCAG 2.0) into newfeatures
o ConductData analysis transformation and import of new data andnbsp;
Designbuild and maintain business web apps for the FireOne platform thatinclude;
o The fireinvestigators and nbsp;case managementapp
o The standardincident reportingapp
o The registryof vulnerable occupancyapp
o The FireMarshal Reviewapp
Contentmanagement solution
Design build configure and implement a new content managementsystem using a thirdparty tool SiteFinity andnbsp;
Singlesignon solution
Design build and implement a single signon solution for the OFMapplicationsuite
Experienceand Skill SetRequirements
MustHaves :
10 years ofexperience working and nbsp;with GeoTalent including working withinthe GeoTalent development environment (TP Macro Language and TPenvironment)
tobuild frontend (web) and backend (administrative console)features
and nbsp;8years of .NETexperience.
andnbsp;Experience with and knowledge of database including datamodeling SQL programming skills with the ability to write queriesstored procedures andviews.
andnbsp;Level 3 with 10 years experience is required to support andmaintain all existing web applications as well as develop new webbasedinitiatives
Skillsand Knowledge : Net Application support and developmentSkills
Learningmanagement skills
Experience working with GeoTalent development tool (TP Macro Language and TPenvironment)
Experience working with Sax Basic and creatingmacros
Experiencein SCORM
Experiencein working with .NET framework including 2.0 to4.5
Experienceworking with and nbsp; ASP.Net andnbsp;Core .net 6 andabove
Experienceworking with the MS .NET EntityFramework
Experience working with BlazorServer
Experienceworking with C# LINQ Razor syntax andnbsp;
Experienceworking the Telerik UI forBlazor
Experienceworking with Fluent library (email andvalidation)
Experiencein working with the iText .Net PDF Libraries specifically iText5
Experience indevelopment of PDF / UA documents using the iTextlibraries
MS SQLServer and nbsp;2019 and above andnbsp;
SQLprogramming skills with the ability to write queries storedprocedures andviews
Understandingof database concepts andprinciples
Experience in developing datamodels
Reporttesting and data accuracy / verificationskills
Experiencingin managing databases usine SQL server managementstudio
Experiencein developing and nbsp;database scripts (i.e.backups)
Experience in developing HTML 4 and 5 and Bootstrap V4 and aboveand nbsp; and nbsp;
Experience in implementing CSS andCSS3
Experience indeveloping JavaScript specificallyJQuery
Environment / Platform Specific TechnicalSkills
Windows andnbsp;Operatingsystems
IIS 6.0 7.07.5
SQL server 2019and above and nbsp;
Knowledge of working within the Visual Studio 2022 and aboeenvironment
Experience with AzureDevOps
MandatoryRequirements : Mandatory Skills Experience andQualifications :
and nbsp; ASP.Net and nbsp; 6 and above
MS.NET EntityFramework
C# LINQRazor syntax andnbsp;
GeoTalentdevelopment tool (TPenvironment)
SaxBasic (TP MacroLanguage)
Visual Studioall supportedversions
Experiencein programming and analysis at the specified experiencelevel
Experience instructured methodologies for the development design implementationand maintenance ofapplications
Criteria1 : TechnicalSkills
Criteria 1Points : 40%
Criteria 1Details :
Demonstrated experience in design build and delivery of LearningManagement System (LMS) modules in the TP Macro Language and TPenvironment.
Experience with and knowledge of database including data modellingSQL programming skills with the ability to write queries storedprocedures andviews.
Experiencewith the design and development of user and systeminterface(s).
Experience in the use of information retrieval packages usingSQL.
Demonstratedexperience with technical analysis of the design and architectureof solutions using GeoTalent andnbsp;
Demonstratedexperience with technical analysis of the design and architectureof solutions using .NET andBlazor
Criteria2 : TechnologiesExperience
Criteria2 Points : 25%
Criteria 2Details :
Experienceworking and nbsp;with GeoTalent including working within theGeoTalent development environment (TP Macro Language and TPenvironment)
tobuild frontend (web) and backend (administrative console)features
andnbsp;Experience SQL and nbsp;Visual Studio and nbsp;Services .NETcore Blazor framework Azure DevOPS EntityFramework
Experience in structured methodologies for the development designimplementation and maintenance ofapplications.
Criteria3 : NET Enterprise LevelApplications
Criteria3 Points : 35%
Criteria 3Details :
10 yearsof experience in programming andanalysis.
Experience in developing .NET enterprise level applicationsincorporating loosely coupled components and nTierarchitecture.
10years of .NETexperience.
Experience with and nbsp; ASP.NET and nbsp;Programming .NET Framework C #.Net and Blazor andnbsp;
10 yearsexperience in design and implementing solution using GeoTalentdevelopmentenvironment
Knowledgetransfer to be completed prior to the end of the assignment Anyinstructions that are required for supporting the application(s)needs to be transferred to JTS. All technical documentation to bestored in project repository and / orSharePoint
Musthaves :