Technology Architect 6569-05

Technology Architect 6569-05

FoilconLa Gran YajaToronto, Ontario, Canada
30+ days ago
CA$66.11 hourly
Job description

HM Note : This role is hybrid with three (3) onsite and starts April 2, 2024

Description :

Deliverables and nbsp; : and nbsp;IT and nbsp;Solutions and nbsp;Development

The and nbsp;resources and nbsp;will and nbsp;act and nbsp;as and nbsp;a and nbsp;subject and nbsp;matter and nbsp;expert and nbsp;on and nbsp;a and nbsp;variety and nbsp;of and nbsp;infrastructure and nbsp;projects and nbsp;initiatives. and nbsp;Some and nbsp;of and nbsp;these and nbsp;will and nbsp;include and nbsp;designing and nbsp;and and nbsp;configuring and nbsp;advance and nbsp;security and nbsp;features, and nbsp;upgrades and nbsp;to and nbsp;platforms and nbsp;and and nbsp;supporting and nbsp;service and nbsp;delivery and nbsp;excellence. and nbsp;They and nbsp;will and nbsp;also and nbsp;assist and nbsp;with and nbsp;complex and nbsp;solutions and nbsp;that and nbsp;require and nbsp;enhanced and nbsp;integration and nbsp;and and nbsp;deployments and nbsp;and and nbsp;act and nbsp;as and nbsp;site and nbsp;reliability and nbsp;engineering.

and nbsp;

Responsibilities : and nbsp;

  • Continuation and nbsp;of and nbsp;security, and nbsp;tenants and nbsp;and and nbsp;product and nbsp;service and nbsp;modernization
  • Review and nbsp;and and nbsp;optimization and nbsp;of and nbsp;logging, and nbsp;DNS and nbsp;and and nbsp;other and nbsp;critical and nbsp;infrastructure
  • Hybrid and nbsp;integration and nbsp;of and nbsp;on-premises and nbsp;and and nbsp;cloud-based and nbsp;systems
  • Assist and nbsp;operations and nbsp;teams and nbsp;and and nbsp;Clusters and nbsp;with and nbsp;priority and nbsp;incidents and nbsp;for and nbsp;mission and nbsp;critical and nbsp;applications
  • Plan and nbsp;and and nbsp;conduct and nbsp;ongoing and nbsp;service and nbsp;improvement and nbsp;for and nbsp;OPCS
  • Assist and nbsp;in and nbsp;process and nbsp;refinement, and nbsp;application and nbsp;performance and nbsp;improvement
  • Continuation and nbsp;of and nbsp;Service and nbsp;Delivery and nbsp;optimization and nbsp;including and nbsp;self-service and nbsp;portal
  • Acting and nbsp;as and nbsp;SME and nbsp;for and nbsp;Cluster and nbsp;projects and nbsp;where and nbsp;FTE and nbsp;team and nbsp;members and nbsp;require and nbsp;assistance and nbsp;and and nbsp;when and nbsp;new and nbsp;technology and nbsp;stacks and nbsp;are and nbsp;introduced.

Evaluation and nbsp;Breakdown

and nbsp;

1. and nbsp;Technology and nbsp;Experience and nbsp;- and nbsp;20%

Parameters :

  • Facilitate and nbsp;infrastructure and nbsp;and and nbsp;application and nbsp;design and nbsp;and / or and nbsp;improvements and nbsp;via and nbsp;solutioning and nbsp;process and nbsp;including and nbsp;security and nbsp;gating.
  • Build-out and nbsp;and / or and nbsp;upgrade and nbsp;of and nbsp;infrastructure and nbsp;within and nbsp;as and nbsp;per and nbsp;design and nbsp;criteria.
  • Utilize and nbsp;and and nbsp;Improve and nbsp;new and nbsp;technology and nbsp;stack and nbsp;for and nbsp;on-prem and nbsp;cloud.
  • Implementation and nbsp;and and nbsp;support and nbsp;of and nbsp;services and nbsp;such and nbsp;as and nbsp;ePAM, and nbsp;identity, and nbsp;logging and nbsp;and and nbsp;monitoring.
  • Provide and nbsp;intake and nbsp;and and nbsp;incident and nbsp;resolution and nbsp;for and nbsp;complex and nbsp;problems and nbsp;both and nbsp;at and nbsp;infrastructure and nbsp;and and nbsp;networking and nbsp;levels.
  • Provide and nbsp;detailed and nbsp;reports and nbsp;on and nbsp;each and nbsp;engagement.
  • Provide and nbsp;skills and nbsp;and and nbsp;knowledge and nbsp;transfer.
  • Demonstration and nbsp;of and nbsp;leading and nbsp;projects and nbsp;and and nbsp;initiatives and nbsp;end and nbsp;to and nbsp;end and nbsp;(technical and nbsp;and and nbsp;non-technical).
  • Strong and nbsp;understanding and nbsp;of and nbsp;network and nbsp;architecture and nbsp;and and nbsp;application and nbsp;development and nbsp;methodologies. and nbsp;
  • Exposure and nbsp;to and nbsp;multiple, and nbsp;diverse and nbsp;technologies and nbsp;and and nbsp;processing and nbsp;environments.
  • and nbsp;

    2. and nbsp;Technical and nbsp;Expertise and nbsp;- and nbsp;20%

    Parameters :

  • Demonstrate and nbsp;knowledge and nbsp;of and nbsp;infra and nbsp;architecture and nbsp;and and nbsp;implementation and nbsp;(OS, and nbsp;multi-tenancy, and nbsp;virtualization, and nbsp;orchestration, and nbsp;elastic and nbsp;scalability) and nbsp;including and nbsp;support and nbsp;and and nbsp;enablement
  • Integration and nbsp;and and nbsp;enablement and nbsp;across and nbsp;industry and nbsp;platforms and nbsp;and and nbsp;operating and nbsp;systems.
  • IAM and nbsp;principals and nbsp;including and nbsp;integration and nbsp;within and nbsp;infra and nbsp;and and nbsp;applications and nbsp;with and nbsp;hands and nbsp;on and nbsp;implementation
  • Enterprise and nbsp;service and nbsp;implementation and nbsp;such and nbsp;as and nbsp;DDI, and nbsp;Logging and nbsp;and and nbsp;Monitoring
  • Demonstrate and nbsp;knowledge and nbsp;of and nbsp;DevOps and nbsp;tool and nbsp;chains and nbsp;and and nbsp;processes and nbsp;including and nbsp;automation, and nbsp;configuration and nbsp;management and nbsp;and and nbsp;templating.
  • Encryption and nbsp;Implementation and nbsp;such and nbsp;as and nbsp;ePAM, and nbsp;Vault and nbsp;and and nbsp;secret and nbsp;management and nbsp;solutions
  • and nbsp;

    3. and nbsp;Service and nbsp;Delivery and nbsp;- and nbsp;15%

    Parameters :

    Demonstrate and nbsp;the and nbsp;ability and nbsp;to and nbsp;code and nbsp;and / or and nbsp;script, and nbsp;use and nbsp;APIs and nbsp;and and nbsp;demonstrate and nbsp;SRE and nbsp;expertise and nbsp;to and nbsp;create and nbsp;automation and nbsp;in and nbsp;order and nbsp;to and nbsp;enhance and nbsp;service and nbsp;delivery and nbsp;and and nbsp;monitoring and nbsp;of and nbsp;legacy and nbsp;and and nbsp;on-prem and nbsp;systems.

    and nbsp;

    4. and nbsp;Communications, and nbsp;Customer and nbsp;Service and nbsp;and and nbsp;Analysis and nbsp;and and nbsp;Problem-Solving and nbsp;- and nbsp;15%

    Parameters :

    Demonstrated and nbsp;experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;troubleshooting and nbsp;and and nbsp;resolving and nbsp;at and nbsp;complex and nbsp;levels and nbsp;for and nbsp;large and nbsp;enterprises.