Design settings, scenic environments, costumes and lighting
Exhibit designers plan and develop permanent and temporary or moveable exhibits and displays for museum exhibitions, trade shows, conventions, retail spaces and other exhibitions
Work conditions and physical capabilities
Tight deadlines
Attention to detail
Ability to distinguish between colours
Combination of sitting, standing, walking
Standing for extended periods
Bending, crouching, kneeling
Personal suitability
1 year to less than 2 years
Support for persons with disabilities
Offers mentorship, coaching and / or networking opportunities for persons with disabilities
Support for newcomers and refugees
Offers mentorship programs that pair newcomers and / or refugees with experienced employees
Support for youths
Offers mentorship, coaching and / or networking opportunities for youth
Support for Veterans
Offers mentorship, coaching and / or networking opportunities for Veterans
Support for Indigenous people
Offers mentorship, coaching and / or networking opportunities for Indigenous workers
Support for mature workers
Offers mentorship, coaching and / or networking opportunities for mature workers
Supports for visible minorities
Offers mentorship programs that pair members of visible minorities with experienced employees