A Part-Time Professor is required for the following course :
PHI 3708 WS00
Éthique et service public
Faculty of Human Sciences
School of Ethics, Social Justice and Public Service
This type of course is broadcast in synchronous mode (live) at a specific date and time, but is not recorded. The student must therefore be connected remotely at the given time.
Mode of Delivery
Sept 4-Dec 3, 2024
WS00 – Online Course (synchronous)
Course description PHI 3708 : Enjeux éthiques relatifs à la fonction publique. Définitions du bien commun et du service public. Étude du rôle des politiques publiques dans le fonctionnement de différents états et gouvernements et mise en relief des conséquences de leur cohésion ou conflit dans les domaines social, politique et économique.
Required experience and qualifications :
Please submit your application (letter of intent and CV) online using the job posting system, by June 17th, 2024, 11 : 59 PM. No other candidacies will be accepted.
Please clearly state in your cover letter for which course you are applying and how your expertise fits with this course. If you apply for multiple courses, please specify this for each course, preferably in separate paragraphs. If you apply for courses offered by different Schools, please apply with separate specific cover letters.
Please note that Saint-Paul University will prioritize the professors that are already affiliated with the University according to article 14.6 of the part-time professor’s collective agreement.
We thank all applicants for their interest in this position. We will be contacting only those candidates who have been chosen for the next step of the selection process.