Laboratory Methods in Biological Anthropology

Laboratory Methods in Biological Anthropology

University of TorontoOntario, Canada
Il y a 13 jours
52.97 CAD par heure
Description de poste

DutiesTeaching assistant to conduct labs, demonstrate lab techniques, assist students during scheduled labs, mark lab assignments, hold office hours, and invigilate tests and final exams (if any), consult with supervisor and students, mark assignments, quizzes, lab reports, tests and final exams (if any). Other duties as required by the instructor. TA must be able to commute to UTM for the Monday practicals. Note that due to our new Departmental Policy, if a course has a final exam, the marking of such exams must occur at the UTM campus. Minimum Qualifications Successful applicant will have completed undergraduate and / or graduate courses in biological anthropology. Must hold or be willing to develop competence in a variety of field methodologies used in human health assessment : anthropometry, nutrition and physical activity assessment, application of reference standards. Use of software in course requires competence in basic analytic techniques including database management and descriptive statistics. Candidates must be organized, able to communicate effectively, and work well with undergraduates. Must be available for in person practicals on Mondays at UTM. Preferred Qualifications Candidates with previous relevant field experience and / or expertise in class topics may be preferred. Relevant CriterionPrevious experience is the more relevant criterion than the need to acquire experience in respect of this posted position.