Cultural Health Navigator, Arabic (Pending Funding and Union Classification Approval)

Cultural Health Navigator, Arabic (Pending Funding and Union Classification Approval)

DIVERSEcity Community Resources SocietySurrey, British Columbia
Il y a plus de 30 jours
29,17 $CA par heure
Description de poste

Job Title : Cultural Health Navigator, Arabic (Pending Funding and Union Classification Approval)

Status : Regular, Full Time

Schedule : Monday - Friday (9 am - 5 pm, flex schedule and some weekends as required)

Hours : 35 hours / week

Wage : $29.17 - $33.49 / hour (Starting at $29.17 / hr)

Grid : 12

Vacancies : #2 vacancies

Start Date : August 2024

Posting Date : July 2, 2024

Closing Date :    Open Until filled

Pleasenote that internal applicants must apply by July 8, 2024,  internalapplications received after this date will not be considered as internal andseniority will not apply position will remain open until filled.


The  CulturalHealth Navigator  (CHN), Arabic Speaking, is a specialized role that is designed toimprove health outcomes for government assisted refugee (GAR) populations whoexperience language and cultural barriers navigating the health system. Thebilingual and bicultural CHN will assist Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) byproviding trauma informed and culturally competent care at the refugee focusedprimary care clinic in Vancouver, through outreach in Richmond and temporaryhousing locations of GARs. CHNs will work closely with GAR populations toidentify immediate health needs and provide information, resources and assistedservice linking to primary and community health programs, appointments, andtreatments. The CHN builds rapport and trust with their communitymembers, has extensive knowledge about health systems and programs in the LowerMainland and works closely with VCH, RAP, and frontline settlement workers andhealth practitioners in the community. The CHN will deliver accessiblehealth services and related resources, while actively updating resources with newinformation and feedback from clients.

The Key Areas of Responsibility are :

  • Works with GARpopulations to identify immediate health needs and bridge primary healthcareaccess by providing 1-to-1 health orientation, navigation (including online andtelehealth care) and promotion in a culturally safe, trauma and GBA+ informedway to increase protective factors and decrease risk according to the socialdeterminants of health; using a strengths-based approach;
  • Supports overall healthpromotion of clients through providing information on health and healthbehaviours, and health programs / resources available;
  • Deliver clear, timelyand appropriate pathways through service bridging and referrals for healthcareaccess within cultural context to remove barriers, ensuring that patients gainthe knowledge and skills required to navigate pathways, persist along them andunderstand the roles and functions of different services in those pathways toaddress needs identified in the Post Arrival Health Assessment (PAHA) andbeyond;
  • Deliver 1-1 peer supporthealthcare orientations and identifies when referrals to other peer-focused programsand services are appropriate and provides follow up to any referrals to bridgegaps and ensure supported access as needed for the client;
  • Accompanies clients tomedical appointments and work collaboratively with Vancouver Coastal Health(VCH) during patient appointments providing cultural bridging between GARclients and health practitioners through language and cultural interpretationand translation;
  • Empowers independenthealthcare system navigation including non-medical and community supports topositively influence social determinants of health by orienting clients on theCanadian healthcare system and newcomer services;
  • Collaborates with VCH,Fraser Health Authority (FHA) and other settlement and non-settlement providersfor seamless transitions of care for all patients using up-to-the minuteawareness of available services and their eligibility requirements that also facilitateadditional referrals to address social determinants of health.
  • Consult with healthcarestaff on healthcare planning for patients in developing individualized andeffective, strengths-based, anti-racist / anti-oppressive and culturallycompetent service plans;
  • Carry out continuousservice delivery monitoring, evaluation and quality assurance, providing VCHwith a continuous data flow about the profile and needs of clients and processquality indicators that contribute to health outcomes achievement.
  • Collaborates onconducting group workshops on health related topics and creates necessaryhealth related curriculum resources;
  • Maintains clientconfidentiality in all aspects of their work;
  • Maintains related client records and statistics using CRMor VCH databases to produce quarterly and annual reports as required.

Qualified Candidates will possess :

  • Degree in HealthSciences or related field and two years related experience;
  • Minimum 2-3 years experience in settlement case management;
  • Fluency in reading,writing and speaking English and Arabic;
  • Demonstratedunderstanding of social determinants of health and how these impact racializedrefugee populations;
  • Knowledge of the governmentassisted refugee experience and the settlement challenges they experience andavailable resources;
  • Knowledge of IFHP andMSP insurance coverage;
  • Extensive knowledge ofhealth systems and refugee focused programs in the Lower Mainland;
  • Demonstrated ability foractive listening, and building trust with all stakeholders;
  • Demonstrated ability to advocate for clients needs andresources internally and externally;
  • Demonstratedunderstanding of cultural and traditional health practices and beliefs ofthe communities being served;
  • Demonstrated ability towork independently; take initiative, solve problems and work as part of a team;
  • Working knowledge of standard office equipment and softwareapplications (Microsoft 365 and CRM).
  • Capability to create culturally and inter-culturally safeand inclusive spaces rooted in the migration experience, fostering a welcomingenvironment for diverse populations.
  • Understanding of social determinants of health forracialized ethnocultural communities, informing strategies to address healthdisparities and inequities.
  • Demonstrated understanding of the similarities anddifferences between the Canadian and other healthcare systems, enablingeffective navigation and provision of care.
  • Familiaritywith transportation systems, including ability to accompany and direct clientsto all required appointments using multiple forms of transportation;
  • Comfortablewith flexible work environment; must be willing to conduct outreach work inRichmond and across multiple sites across Metro Vancouver as needed;
  • Abilityto identify and assess the assets and needs of patients and community members,informing tailored interventions and support services;
  • Proficiencyin relational practice, active listening, and building trust with allstakeholders, fostering positive relationships and collaboration;
  • Proficientunderstanding of diverse cultural and traditional health practices and beliefs,facilitating culturally sensitive and responsive care delivery; and
  • Demonstratedexperience delivering trauma-informed and culturally competent care, includingprovisions for language access and interpreter services to ensure effectivecommunication with diverse refugee populations.
  • Accessto a personal vehicle and a class 5 drivers license is an asset
  • This position requires union membership. A CriminalRecord Check is a requirement of employment.

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    Cultural Health Navigator, Arabic (Pending Funding and Union Classification Approval) • Surrey, British Columbia