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Hematologist - Repost

Hematologist - Repost

Winnipeg Regional Health AuthorityBrandon, MB, CA
Il y a 3 jours
Type de contrat
  • Temps plein
  • CDI
Description de poste

CancerCare Manitoba located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada is a provincial agency which provides clinical and academic services and leadership for cancer control and the treatment of blood disorders. We invite applications for the position of :


Medical Oncology and Hematology - Brandon

Competition # : 085-23-713505517

The Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology, CancerCare Manitoba (CCMB), in conjunction with Shared He a lth ; and , the Section of Hematology / Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, Max Rady College of Medicine, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences , University of Manitoba (U of M) , are seeki n g applications for a Geographical Full-Time position of Hematologist. The successful candidate will have their hematology practice based in the community out of the Western Manitoba Cancer Centre in Brandon, Manitoba.

The   Department   of   Medical   Oncology   and   Hematology   and   the   Section of Hematology / Oncology , consists of 43 faculty m embers based at three CCMB sites. The gro up operates active clinical and basic sc ience re sea rch programs in medical oncology , quality of life in cancer , h ea lth se rvice s resear ch and cancer epidemiology. We offer uniqu e oppo rtunitie s to develop new and inno vat i ve clinical and / or basic research directl y or in collaboration with the CancerCare Manitoba Research In stitute in Oncology and Hematology, CCMB.

The successful candidate

  • will be expected to provide high quality care to patients with primarily benign and some malignant hematologic disorders in a community-based setting as part of a multidisciplinary team. They will be expected to participate in the teaching programs of CCMB and the U of M, and to collaborate in hematology-related research programs.

Qualifications : Candidates must have spec ialty qualifications in In te rnal Medicine and Hematology in the country of current practice and must be eligible for registration with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba. Certification in Hematology by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada is preferred.

This is a U ni ve rsity of Manitoba academ ic appointment. Salary and rank w ill be commensurate with experience and qualifications. Competitive salaries and excellent benefits packages are offered. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. Howe ve r , Canadians and permanent r es ident s w ill be given priority.

Interested candidates are encouraged to submit a letter of interest, which should include a description of research interests and experience, and current curriculum vitae to :

Sony Gill

Physician Services Manager, CancerCare Manitoba

675 McDermot Avenue

Winnipeg, MB R3E OV9

E-mail : [email protected]

Phone : (204) 232-0543

Closing Date : applications will be accepted un t il po s ition i s filled.

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Hematologist - Repost • Brandon, MB, CA