Hello , my name is Jessica . We are a family of 5 . My husband myself and 3 children. My husband works out of province 21 days a month , I am currently trying to get part time work to help out with life expenses as well as our toddler needing this to get a perspective of him being under other peoples care before school. Our youngest is 2 1 / 2 , he is the one we would need child care for mostly. He is a bit on the hyper side , needs to stay busy depending on how he is feeling that day. He is mishevious and will test listening 100% in general he is a wild child who is in need of a high pace schedule. My oldest is 10 , she is a great helper happy sweet girl . Our middle child is 7 and he's all about soccer , playing outside, can't sit still type and generally a sweet kid as well. I'm not sure of exact hours yet but I do know it would be afternoon 5 days a week.