Technology Architect 6669-17

Technology Architect 6669-17

FoilconLa Gran YajaToronto, Ontario, Canada
Il y a plus de 30 jours
85 000,00 $CA par an
Description de poste

HM Note : This hybrid role is three (3) days in office and commences April 2, 2024

Description :

Deliverable and nbsp;- and nbsp;Infrastructure and nbsp;Asset and nbsp;Lifecycle and nbsp;Management.

and nbsp;

Responsibilities :

  • Responsible and nbsp;for and nbsp;chairing and nbsp;all and nbsp;monthly and nbsp;client and nbsp;engagement and nbsp;calls and nbsp;for and nbsp;each and nbsp;cluster, and nbsp;collecting and nbsp;and and nbsp;analyzing and nbsp;OS and nbsp;deployment and nbsp;data and nbsp;to and nbsp;produce and nbsp;meaningful and nbsp;collateral and nbsp;for and nbsp;these and nbsp;calls. and nbsp;
  • Provide and nbsp;status and nbsp;updates, and nbsp;risks and nbsp;and and nbsp;issues and nbsp;to and nbsp;ITS / DCO / Client and nbsp;stakeholders. and nbsp;
  • Assist DCO financial teams in producing updated software support cost projections, cluster costs and developing new cost models as products enter extended support or when publishers change their costs models. and nbsp;Making further improvements the SRP client experience by creating better reporting, communications material, processes and helping clients identify paths forward to best reduce their software support costs. and nbsp;Assisting with the modernization of the SRP and it's services. and nbsp;
  • Creating and nbsp;RACI, and nbsp;and and nbsp;Onboarding and nbsp;activities.
  • Developing and nbsp;costing and nbsp;and and nbsp;pricing and nbsp;models.
  • Forecasting and nbsp;support and nbsp;and and nbsp;technical and nbsp;debt and nbsp;costs.
  • Tracking and nbsp;and and nbsp;reporting and nbsp;on and nbsp;refresh and nbsp;KPIs.
  • Development and nbsp;of and nbsp;reporting and nbsp;dashboards.
  • Stakeholder and nbsp;engagement and nbsp;and and nbsp;management.
  • Developing and nbsp;training and nbsp;and and nbsp;operational and nbsp;guides.
  • Coordinating and nbsp;enterprise and nbsp;architecture and nbsp;approvals.


Experience and Skill Set Requirements

Evaluation and nbsp;Breakdown

and nbsp;

1. and nbsp;Strategic and nbsp;Planning and nbsp; and amp; and nbsp;Delivery and nbsp;Experience and nbsp;- and nbsp;30%

Parameters :

  • 10+ and nbsp;years and nbsp;experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;strategic and nbsp;delivery and nbsp;of and nbsp;complex and nbsp;solutions and nbsp;and / or and nbsp;data and nbsp;center and nbsp;infrastructure and nbsp;services and nbsp;or and nbsp;projects.
  • Demonstrated and nbsp;experience and nbsp;overseeing and nbsp;refresh and nbsp;and and nbsp;transition and nbsp;activities.
  • Demonstrated and nbsp;experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;replacement and nbsp;of and nbsp;large and nbsp;enterprise and nbsp;complex and nbsp;services and nbsp;and and nbsp;hardware and nbsp;at and nbsp;large and nbsp;critical and nbsp;locations.
  • Demonstrated and nbsp;experience and nbsp;and and nbsp;in-depth and nbsp;knowledge and nbsp;of and nbsp;modern and nbsp;Data and nbsp;Centre and nbsp;service and nbsp;models.
  • Demonstrated and nbsp;experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;strategic and nbsp;delivery and nbsp;development and nbsp;of and nbsp;operational and nbsp;readiness and nbsp;programs and nbsp;for and nbsp;large and nbsp;and and nbsp;complex and nbsp;organizations and nbsp;including and nbsp;cloud and nbsp;management.
  • Working and nbsp;experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;a and nbsp;Tier and nbsp;IV and nbsp;data and nbsp;centre and nbsp;facility / operations and nbsp;housing and nbsp;a and nbsp;dedicated and nbsp;24x7x365 and nbsp;WINTEL / UNIX / Linux and nbsp;hosting and nbsp;service, and nbsp;on-premise and nbsp;private and nbsp;clouds.
  • and nbsp;

    and nbsp;

    2. and nbsp;Project and nbsp;Management and nbsp;Skills and nbsp;- and nbsp;20%

    Parameters :

  • 10+ and nbsp;years and nbsp;demonstrated and nbsp;experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;managing and nbsp;projects and nbsp;related and nbsp;to and nbsp;data and nbsp;center and nbsp;applications and nbsp;and and nbsp;server and nbsp;integrations.
  • Demonstrated and nbsp;experience and nbsp;leading and nbsp;major and nbsp;transformation and nbsp;and and nbsp;data and nbsp;centre and nbsp;projects and nbsp;including and nbsp;cloud and nbsp;management.
  • and nbsp;

    and nbsp;

    3. and nbsp;Documentation and nbsp;and and nbsp;Communications and nbsp;Skills and nbsp;- and nbsp;20%

    Parameters :

  • Demonstrated and nbsp;experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;assisting and nbsp;transition and nbsp;and and nbsp;hardware / software and nbsp;refresh.
  • Demonstrated and nbsp;experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;change and nbsp;management and nbsp;activities.
  • Demonstrated and nbsp;experience and nbsp;of and nbsp;providing and nbsp;presentations and nbsp;to and nbsp;executive and nbsp;stakeholders.
  • Demonstrated and nbsp;ability and nbsp;for and nbsp;strong and nbsp;documentation and nbsp;and and nbsp;writing and nbsp;skills.
  • Demonstrated and nbsp;experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;presentation, and nbsp;negotiation, and nbsp;verbal and nbsp;and and nbsp;written and nbsp;communication and nbsp;skills.
  • Must Have :

  • 10+ and nbsp;years and nbsp;experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;strategic and nbsp;delivery and nbsp;of and nbsp;complex and nbsp;solutions and nbsp;and / or and nbsp;data and nbsp;center and nbsp;infrastructure and nbsp;services and nbsp;or and nbsp;projects.
  • 10+ and nbsp;years and nbsp;demonstrated and nbsp;experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;managing and nbsp;projects and nbsp;related and nbsp;to and nbsp;data and nbsp;center and nbsp;applications and nbsp;and and nbsp;server and nbsp;integrations.
  • Créer une alerte d'emploi pour cette recherche

    Technology Architect • La Gran YajaToronto, Ontario, Canada